Discover Functional Medicine
The Art & Science of Healing
What is Functional Medicine?
The easiest way for me to explain Functional Medicine and why it is important, is to refer to the image of the tree on the right.
The tree represents your body and its systems. If you think of your symptoms as the “leaves” and your systems as the “roots”. it is easy to see that many of our illnesses and conditions stem from an imbalance in the “roots”.
Functional Medicine offers a paradigm shift in clinical practice. It encompasses the genetic uniqueness of each person, the importance of the therapeutic partnership, and the role of environment and lifestyle in the development and treatment of disease. By striking the right balance between the mind, body, and spirit, the philosophy and practice of Functional Medicine produce a more effective response to patients’ chronic conditions.
Dr. Saringer’s Approach
Dr Saringer believes that optimal health and wellness are skill sets that can be learned.
She provides the latest research-based treatment options and recommends lifestyle changes tailored to your unique genetic, metabolic, mental, and spiritual state of health. She applies Functional Medicine principles to bring your entire mind and body back into balance. This means she treats more than just your symptoms – she investigates your underlying physiological imbalances. These may be irregularities in hormone production, metabolism, nutrient absorption, toxin levels, mitochondria energy generation, or the diversity of your microbiomes. She takes into consideration your genetic markers, hidden food sensitivities, untreated infections and autoimmune or other chronic inflammations. She also places importance on the central role of trauma, focusing mainly on childhood adversities and their impact on medical events later in life. All these factors can affect mental balance and your overall sense of well-being.
She believes that most underlying imbalances can be treated by awakening the mind, body and spirit’s inner healing power.
To discover underlying health patterns, Dr. Saringer reviews your completed questionnaires, learns additional details about your personal history, and provides you with a thorough assessment. She analyzes genetic and laboratory markers and pinpoints stress-promoting events and toxic exposures. Using this information, she creates a timeline to map out a personalized plan for healing. Dr. Saringer then guides you in eating the proper foods, herbs, vitamins and supplements. Furthermore, she advises on exercise planning, sleep habits, and stress management. In order to attain therapeutic and life-changing results, Dr Saringer advocates building positive interpersonal relationships and incorporating spiritual meaning to your everyday life. She’s also a believer in the power of communities and organizes small group gatherings for support, social connection, and learning.
With the support of Dr. Saringer and her Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, you will be fully engaged in actively participating in your journey to achieve your short and long-term health goals.
Please remember:
Getting to the root cause of your health and wellness issues does not happen overnight. There is no quick fix. Cultivating the skills necessary to overcome obstacles and restore balance takes time. It also takes medical expertise, patience, and dedication for you to meet your physical, mental, and spiritual health needs.
Dr. Saringer practices what she preaches: she maintains healthy eating habits, takes vitamins and supplements as needed, meditates, is a regular at the gym and on the tennis court. She also plays the cello, enjoys classical music, art, and nature with family and friends. She strives to promote principles of cultural well-being not just with words, but by example so that she can help you achieve the same – a life of balance that fosters health and your individual aspirations.

“I would definitely recommend Dr. Saringer. She is caring, thorough, and extremely well informed. I’m a deep researcher, and she has always taught me something new. I’ve strongly recommended her to many people who noticed the change in my health.”Jason H., age 33, New York